Unexpected 403 response on merge_request api call

I’m getting a 403 response for one project on a merge_requests api request. The projects are owned by me and the api calls are using an access token I created. merge_requests api calls on other projects work fine and other api calls like issues work fine on the suspect project. What can I do to fix this?

Running self-hosted GitLab Community Edition 12.6.1 on Ubuntu 16.04.


is there anything suspicious in the logs for that very moment when you receive the 403 on the client?


Hi Michael! I haven’t found anything that stands out.

In /var/log/gitlab/gitlab-rails/production.log:

Started GET "/api/v4/projects/54/merge_requests" for xx.xx.xx.xx at 2020-01-03 07:21:49 -0800

In gitlab/railsapi-json.log:

{"time":"2020-01-03T15:21:49.747Z","severity":"INFO","duration":8.66,"db":1.55,"view":7.11,"status":403,"method":"GET","path":"/api/v4/projects/54/merge_requests","params":[],"host":"xxx","remote_ip":"xx.xx.xx.xx, xx.xx.xx.xx","ua":"curl/7.67.0","route":"/api/:version/projects/:id/merge_requests","user_id":2,"username":"arf","queue_duration":15.51,"correlation_id":"PJCpBdyXEn9"}

Is there another place I should be looking?


I was curious about a Ruby exception which could lead to a bug, or help with further analyzing it. If there’s nothing in this regard, I’m a little out of ideas.

I would do the following: 1) create a new project with the exact same settings like the “buggy” one 2) check wether the problem persists 3) if not, fetch the project configuration via REST API from a working and non-working project and compare them attribute by attribute. That likely can be done in a programmatic fashion to speed things up.
