Updated to 11.1 from 11.0.2, GitLab-Pages no longer works


After finally getting the entire instance working today, I decided to update to 11.1. It’s still a testing period so breakage can occur.

However, I did not double check the docks on the upgrade process and instead of just running yum update -y gitlab-ee I stopped the gitlab instance and then ran the update. That threw a hissy fit and I created the skip-auto-migrations file as I thought I broke everything. But, everything is now working fine after a few reconfigures, removing the skip file and a reboot, except GitLab-Pages.

The process is running, I’ve done several gitlab-ctl restart gitlab-pages and the Admin Area shows it as running. However, trying to access any page is returning a “Server not found” error as if the server wasn’t running.

Is this happening to anyone else?


Problem solved. Nuked the instance and rebuilt, only to find out the DNS records had been wiped during a cleaup session.
