Okay, seems like my issue is impatience. After 6 hours the background migrations are still running as seen in the GitLab Admin Monitoring area. Just not showing on the command line.
I’ve just ran into the same problem as described above. (I’m on CentOS 7, using the yum repo). I was coming from 13.x, so first try the yum error told me to upgrade to 14.0.x (latest), I did, then I just ran the next without specifying the version, so it jumped to 14.5.x, but had this error, the whole instance didn’t start. After like 2hrs of tries, while it kept asking for the same thing all the time:
I’m not too sure what fixed it (maybe gitlab-rake gitlab:check SANITIZE=true, but I ran a lot of commands, had 0 in the queue), but it looks ok now. Can you please add a check to the RPMs? So it won’t let us upgrade from 14.0.x → 14.5, but should prompt for the correct journey, 14.1.x…
You didn’t follow the upgrade path, you jumped. You will have to go back to 14.0.x, restore the backup and then start the upgrade properly following the upgrade path outlined in the documentation as well as earlier in this post: Upgrade Problems Debian 14.2.4 - #7 by iwalker
Hello, I ran into the same problem. my migration path was:
12.10.14 → 13.0.14 → 13.1.11 → 13.8.8 → 13.12.15 → 14.0.11 → 14.1.8 → 14.2.6
like recommended on Upgrading GitLab | GitLab
During the update from 14.1.8 to 14.2.6 i got the Problem
I am running gitlab in docker.
I solved the problem for me. I started gitlab with version 14.1.8 and used the following commands from Batched background migrations | GitLab
$ gitlab-rake db:migrate
$ gitlab-ctl reconfigure
inside my docker container.
After that i changed the version to 14.2.6, it took about a minute and everything seems fine
I’m having the same issue with an Omnibus installation. I’ve attempted the smallest upgrade from Docker image gitlab/gitlab-ce:14.1.8-ce.0 to gitlab/gitlab-ce:14.2.0-ce.0, I’ve also tried a few other releases in the 14.2.x range, however the result is the same.
The Docker container restarts every 30 seconds or so (before the database migrations can complete). The logs indicate the following:
n error has occurred, all later migrations canceled:
Expected batched background migration for the given configuration to be marked as ‘finished’, but it is ‘finalizing’: {:job_class_name=>“CopyColumnUsingBackgroundMigrationJob”, :table_name=>“ci_job_artifacts”, :column_name=>“id”, :job_arguments=>[[“id”, “job_id”], [“id_convert_to_bigint”, “job_id_convert_to_bigint”]]}