Upgrading from Community 8.15 to latest version on Ubuntu

I have an installation of Community 8.15 on Ubuntu that I need to update. I need straightforward instructions on how to get this installation up to the latest version. I found the information about doing a series of incremental updates (8.17.7 -> 9.5.10 -> 10.8.7 -> 11.3.4) but no succinct instructions on how to do this. No links, please!


Are you using an omnibus installation? Running the following command will output a lot of useful information about your environment that is relevant to your question.

gitlab-rake gitlab:env:info

The documentation on upgrades states that the incremental updates should not be avoided, as skipping major releases is very likely to break your instance. I reviewed this doc and it lays out a good upgrade path for you to follow, though it looks like it may be a version or two behind. Specifically, your upgrade path should look like this:

8.15 -> 8.17.8 -> 9.5.10 -> 10.8.7 -> 11.3.4

So if you are utilizing the omnibus installation, you would want to incrementally specify your desired release following the path above. Here’s an example:

sudo apt-get install gitlab-ce=8.17.7-ce.0
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