Using NPM Registry with Auto DevOps

All of our projects up to this point have used full custom .gitlab-ci.yml CI configuraitons. We have a simple project we are using to experiment with Auto DevOps. Its a simple React based project. The project uses an NPM package from another project in our Gitlab account using the new NPM Registry feature. My user has access to both projects. We are able to link the project and setup credentials in an .npmrc file in development but we really didn’t want to commit that file to the repo. Any ideas on how to wire it up with Auto Devops? I would hope it would automatically create a .npmrc file with the credentials of whoever triggered the CI operation, but it doesn’t seem to be doing that. Options I see are:

  1. Use the standard NPM registry and make the dependent NPM public
  2. Make a custom CI hook that creates the .npmrc file for me. I need to look into viability of doing this with Auto DevOps.
  3. Do a full custom .gitlab-ci.yml based build and deploy.

I’m hoping there is a simple config we are missing to make this work. Any ideas?

Thanks in advance!

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I have exactly the same problem!