Volume isn't be sharred with my runner using Machine + Docker

Hi all,

I use “docker + machine” executor
And i try to shared an EFS disk between my gitlab-runner container and his runner

  name = "aws docker cicd"
  url = "https://gitlab.com/"
  token = "XXXX"
  executor = "docker+machine"
  limit = 5
  volumes = ["/mnt/efs/fs1:/mnt/efs/fs1:rw"]

  #volumes_from = ["gitlab-runner:rw"]

it does’nt work a df -h in my .gitlab-ci.yml doesn’t display the drive.
When i try directly to open a docker with the same image and the option -v /mnt/efs/fs1:/mnt/efs/fs1
the drive is correctly share the container.

Have you an idea to help me please ?
thank you in advance

PS : i already post my issue in Use AWS EFS with gitlab-runner machine+docker but i think here the question is clearer

Here the full file of the gitlab-runner config

concurrent = 1
check_interval = 0
log_level = "debug"

  session_timeout = 1800

  name = "aws docker cicd"
  url = "https://gitlab.com/"
  token = "9fqa6ZJYx4gCYAQw2oxD"
  executor = "docker+machine"
  limit = 5
  volumes = ["/mnt/efs/fs1:/mnt/efs/fs1:rw"]
  #volumes_from = ["gitlab-runner:rw"]
    image = "openjdk:9-jdk-slim"
    privileged = true
    disable_cache = true
    IdleCount = 0
    IdleTime = 120
    MaxBuilds = 5
    MachineDriver = "amazonec2"
    MachineName = "cicd-runner-%s"
    MachineOptions = [