Web terminals / session server on gitlab.com with self-hosted runner on gke


Gitlab 11.3 introduced Web Terminals for Gitlab CI jobs - a feature we’re really excited about.
Unfortunately from the documentation it is not clear how exactly this feature is to be setup when running on gitlab.com and using a self-hosted runner.
The documentation mentions the session_server section in gitlab CI has to be configured: https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/gitlab-runner/blob/master/docs/configuration/advanced-configuration.md#the-session_server-section . However it is unclear to which values listen_address and advertise_address should be set when using gitlab.com together with self-hosted runners on kubernetes/gke and having the whole setup secured (i.e. no external party can connect to web terminals running in our self-hosted k8s cluster).

For context this is the current setup we use:

Does anyone know what to set as listen_address / advertise_address and how the endpoint would be secured?


Hi, I cannot speak about security, but I managed to configure a custom runner like this on a physical machine:

concurrent = 2
check_interval = 0

  session_timeout = 1800
  listen_address = ""
  advertise_address = "my.domain.tld:8093"

  name = "Whatever"
  url = "https://gitlab.com"
  token = "aaabbbcccddd"
  executor = "shell"

Remember to allow connection on 8093/tcp port (and that is compatible with only certain executors) to see the button appear :slight_smile:

Not exactly what OP was asking, but could be a starting point. :slight_smile:


To complement the answer, I suppose the listen_address can be tailored in order to allow just a specific gitlab instance to be able to talk with the runner…

It would be indeed great if those two fields could be explained better in the docs.


What is “my.domain.tld”? Is that the url or ip of your runner server?