“10 tests passed. 190 tests failed“. How to setup CircleCi-style test-reports? POSSIBLE AT ALL?

Hi guys,

one thing I always loved at CircleCI was the ease of reports.

All over the places I’d see a summery (for each commit) telling me something like: “10 tests failed. 190 tests passed“.


For each commit I’d receive an email telling me something like “10 tests failed. 190 tests passed“. And then I could dig deeper with a few clicks.


In the backend I’d see this info right right on top of a commit. Like “10 tests failed. 190 tests passed“. And then I could dig deeper with a few clicks.

Question: How do I do this with Gitlab? Is it possible to do?

I have read about artifacts:reports:junit, but I it seems like it doesn’t work for me…

This is my yml:

image: blurri/meteor-node

  - test

  stage: test
    - SERVER_TEST_REPORTER=xunit XUNIT_FILE=$PWD/test-results-unit-integrational.xml meteor test --once --driver-package meteortesting:mocha --settings settings-unittests-ci.json --allow-superuser || true  # prevent failing mocha-tests to result in exit 1 (which would exit Gitlab). Always continue with acceptance-tests
      junit: test-results-merged.xml

my logs show

Uploading artifacts...
test-results-merged.xml: found 1 matching files    
Uploading artifacts to coordinator... ok            id=76 responseStatus=201 Created token=FYSanipj
Job succeeded

Any ideas how to make this work?