2023-09-18 Weekly Community Contributor Thanks

:heart: :tada: Community Contribution Appreciation :tada: :heart:
We are striving toward 1000 unique monthly wider community contributors and appreciate every effort from the community towards this goal.
If you have any ideas/feedback/concerns please feel free to discuss them here!

Thank you to all 22 wider community members who AUTHORED merge requests that were merged from 2023-09-11 to 2023-09-18.
There were a total of 27 community contributions!

Top authors (3+ merge requests :rocket:)
Marco Zille, Patrick Rice

Regular authors (2 merge requests!)
Anatoli Babenia

Additional authors (1 merge request)
AhegaHOE, Alexandra Licht, Baodong, ChevronTango, Egor, Erez Arbell, FromTheStackAndBack, Gerardo Navarro, GitLab Crowdin Bot, Jeremy Johnson, Jochen, Jos Ahrens, Kyle Edwards, Kyle Fazzari, Siddharth Asthana, Thorben Westerhuys, Yadong Wang, Zdeněk Vydra, claromes

Additionally, thank you to all 31 wider community members who participated/reviewed other merge requests, merged from 2023-09-11 to 2023-09-18.

Top performers (3+ interactions :rocket:)
Marco Zille, Patrick Rice

High performers (2 interactions!)
Anatoli Babenia, Baodong, Kyle Edwards

Additional contributors (1 interaction)
AhegaHOE, Alexandra Licht, ChevronTango, DanielP, Egor, Erez Arbell, FromTheStackAndBack, Fu Zhang, Gerardo Navarro, GitLab Crowdin Bot, Jeremy Johnson, Jochen, Jos Ahrens, Kyle Fazzari, Levente Polyak, Matthias Fechner, Max Chen, Philippe Vlérick, Roland Hügli, Siddharth Asthana, Thorben Westerhuys, Tyrone Meijn, Wu Jeremy, Yadong Wang, Zdeněk Vydra, claromes

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