Different behavior of two projects
We have our own instance of gitlab 17.0. We have two projects, one private and another internal, that have a very similar CI script that generates a public folder. The private, in the namespace of a user. The internal, in the namespace of a group.
In both projects, we have created a read_api token with maintainer permissions. In the internal, we can obtain the latest artifact zip file with:
> curl --header "PRIVATE-TOKEN: <TOKEN>" -L "https://<GITLAB_INSTANCE>/api/v4/projects/<PROJECT_ID>/jobs/artifacts/main/download?job=<JOB_ID>" --output artifact.zip
But in the private, the artifact file always gives a wrong zip file.
We can obtain the artifact of the private repo from the web, but not with curl. But, with the internal project, we can obtain the artifact with curl.
Also, I have imported the private repo to gitlab.com and I got the same wrong result.
Any idea of what is wrong?