Administrator closed account? Can't login using Google

I get this message upon trying to login using Google:

Your account has been blocked. Please contact your GitLab administrator if you think this is an error.

Cant see any info in email, and I dont think i even had any code on the account.
No link or info on how to contact ‘your gitlab administrator’.
No support available for free plans.
Looks like I just have to use Github then.

So, how to delete a gitlab account you cannot access and you cannot contact support? :confused:

You can get free support with account problems here:

You will have to be patient though, paid customers are a priority, but you might get a reply at some point.

I will also mention @gitlab-team so that maybe one of the team can find out why your account was closed/blocked. It has happened before when people have misused or uploaded content that doesn’t belong to them. Not saying that you did this, but there obviously must be a reason for it, either that or falsely flagged as a spam account.

Anyway, try opening an issue or wait for a team member to possibly reply here.