With no changes, what so ever, NuGet all of a sudden is failing in the pipeline in the following maner:
$ dotnet test
[23] Determining projects to restore…
[24] Rules.Tests.csproj : error NU1301: Unable to load the service index for source h ttp s://api.
nuget.org/v3/index.json. [/builds/7cjjzF-Y/1/Rules.sln]
25/builds/7cjjzF-Y/1/Rules/Rules.csproj : error NU1301: Unable to load the service index for source h ttp s://api. nuget.org/v3/index.json. [/builds/7cjjzF-Y/1/Rules.sln]
[26](ht tp s://git.internal.xxx.com/project/-/jobs/25124#L26)/builds/7cjjzF-Y/1/Rules.Tests.csproj : error NU1301: Unable to load the service index for source h tt ps://api.nuget.org/v3/index.json. [/builds/7cjjzF-Y/1/Rules.sln]
[27](h ttp s:/ /git.
XXXX)/builds/7cjjzF-Y/1/enterprisebackendservices/project/callcomplianceapi/web.API.rules.Tests/web.API.rules.Tests.csproj : error NU1301: Unable to load the service index for source https://api.nuget.org/v3/index.json. [/builds/7cjjzF-Y/1/enterprisebackendservices/apiservices/project/web.API.Rules.sln]
[28] Retrying ‘FindPackagesByIdAsync’ for source ‘h ttp s:// api.nuget.org/v3-flatcontainer/amazon.lambda.aspnetcoreserver.hosting/index.json’.
[29] Name or service not known (api.nuget.org:443)
[30]Name or service not known
[31]Retrying ‘FindPackagesByIdAsync’ for source ‘https://api. nuget.org/v3-flatcontainer/dapper.sqlbuilder/index.json’.
[32]Name or service not known (api. nuget.org:443)
etc etc etc…
Here is the pipeline
# Update this for new version builds. - TODO: This will be removed at some point once Jim figures out automatic versioning based on git tags.
# NOTE: If you change your package name, you should also change this to match.
PACKAGE_NAME: "Reporting.CitiHoldingQueueReport"
image: $CICD_IMAGE
- test
- deploy
- deploy_runner
stage: test
- dotnet nuget add source $REPORTS_NUGET_SOURCE -n Nexus
- "echo | dotnet --version" # must be v 2.2.300 or later for reporter tool to work
- dotnet --info
- dotnet restore --verbosity detailed
- dotnet tool install dotnet-reportgenerator-globaltool --tool-path tools
- dotnet test --logger "junit" --collect:"XPlat Code Coverage"
# each reporttype must be a separate line, doesn't work together ; separated
- ./tools/reportgenerator "-reports:${CI_PROJECT_DIR}/**/TestResults/*/coverage.cobertura.xml" "-targetdir:Reports_Coverage" -reportTypes:TextSummary;
- ./tools/reportgenerator "-reports:${CI_PROJECT_DIR}/**/TestResults/*/coverage.cobertura.xml" "-targetdir:Reports_Coverage" -reportTypes:Html;
- cat ./Reports_Coverage/Summary.txt
- echo 'End Summary'
coverage: /Line coverage[\s\S].+%/
- Reports_Coverage/
- "*.Test/TestResults/TestResults.xml"
- "*.Tests/TestResults/TestResults.xml"
NuGet Publish:
stage: deploy
# Add our custom NuGet repository group so nuget restore works
- dotnet nuget add source $REPORTS_NUGET_SOURCE -n Nexus
# Pack the project into a NuGet package
- dotnet pack -c Release -p:PackageVersion=${VERSION} -o ./build/packages --version-suffix "$VERSION_SUFFIX" --include-symbols
- dotnet nuget push ./build/packages/**/*.symbols.nupkg -k ${NEXUS_NUGET_KEY} -s $REPORTS_DEPLOY_NUGET_SOURCE
- master
So yes we use nexus Sonatype, but everyone seems fine. Whats odd is that allowing v3 nuget to pass, now it works, but then will fail, but then work again, and then fail again. Also when i say work, i still get the above error messages, but the pipeline will be fine.
Its very odd, that nothing was touched and nuget packages cannot be restored. Is there any other way this can be done?