Auto-Devops stuck in Production stage

Auto-Devops stuck at “Waiting for deployment “production” rollout to finish: 0 of 1 updated replicas are available…”

I am new to GitLab and Kubernetes in general.
I have a sample spring boot application that I am trying to deploy in AWS EKS using
EKS cluster seems to have been created fine.
I have enabled Auto-DevOps and I am not supplying the .gitlab-ci.yml.
“build” and “test” stages pass fine.
Production stage is stuck at “Waiting for deployment “production” rollout to finish: 0 of 1 updated replicas are available…”

I googled for the behavior and there was a suggestion that the “app” should be accessible through port 5000 and so I changed it but it’s still stuck at the same stage.



The sample application was talking to an AWS RDS instance and I had only enabled access from the cluster security group.
Once I gave access to the node security group that’s created by GitLab, it was able to communicate fine and my app was able to start.
