Background Migrations : BackfillMergeRequest stuck at 41% after upgrade from 16.7.3 to 16.7.7

I upgrade our gitlab docker from current version of 16.7.3 to 16.7.7. Upgrade was fine and most of the functionalities are working as expected.

however I see this issue where

Background Migrations : BackfillMergeRequestDiffsProjectId: merge_request_diffs stuck at 41% after upgrade from 16.7.3 to 16.7.7

What shall I do to fix this issue?

when I run below command
sudo -u git -H bundle exec rails runner -e production ‘puts Gitlab::BackgroundMigration.remaining’
it returns
to me

what is the impact of this and. would I be able to upgrade gitlab to 16.9.2 if these migration jobs does not finish?