Hi, my company is facing this issue too. Is anyone at GitLab looking into this? It’s hard to work with my remote team when I cannot communicate using attachments.
I confirm the issue, on gitlab-ee, Debian Stretch, updated last saturday, and since, the uploaded images are emitting a 404 error. The image file is well uploaded on the system (/var/opt/gitlab/gitlab-rails/uploads/@hashed/ directory) but the production log contains a “route not found” error :
Started GET “/uploads/2b57c4c45b61441f9ea40813d7115cba/Fail.PNG” for my.ip.xx.xx at 2019-09-02 12:22
:42 +0200
Processing by ApplicationController#route_not_found as
Parameters: {“unmatched_route”=>“uploads/2b57c4c45b61441f9ea40813d7115cba/Fail”}