Bug? Gitlab merge command line instructions for resolving MR with protected branch

We have protected develop and master branches. I have developed new feature in a feature branch and posted the merge request. But there is a conflict and gitlab refuses to merge the feature branch. It provides the following instructions for manual command line resolution:


The last step will fail because we cannot push to the develop branch. Is it bug?

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Thanks for following up with these two GitLab issues, @literakl! If you have a use case to add, please feel free - our Product Team checks in on new comments as they come in. :blush: Thanks!

Please fix the instructions in GitLab as they are misleading and you know it. The correct way is to create a new branch A from develop, merge the feature branch into it and then submit a new merge request from the A branch.

pá 17. 7. 2020 v 19:58 odesílatel Lindsay Olson via GitLab Forum <gitlab@discoursemail.com> napsal: