Checking your browser before accessing GitLab error when GitLab sign in page is launched via selenium

I am trying to launch Gitlab sign in page through selenium python.
checking your browser before accessing message is displayed and it is not even navigating after 5 seconds.
sign_in API header shows Status code : 503

Could someone help me resolve the issue

Can you launch the same url in your web browser without any problems? This will help to see if your IP can actually connect to Gitlab or not. Does it show 503 in web browser as well? Sometimes an IP can be blocked and not accessible, so you may want to debug this by enabling a VPN to a different location and then try accessing.

If the web browser works, but Selenium doesn’t, then that would mean most likely something in the code.

Also, the screenshot you posted isn’t for the API. Otherwise it would be and to use API, depending on what commands you are using, it may also require providing an access-token to authenticate with. Perhaps that is also a reason why you cannot gain access as you are attempting an API command that requires you to be logged in.

I have the same issue when I try to access GitLab from within a VS Code Chrome debug window. Everything works fine in standard Chome and its incognito mode. We use GitLab OAuth for our login, so due to this error our application became undebuggable, which is rather unfortunate