CI/CD Catalog OR components

Hi wonderful people,
I am using it, but there is a big gap between it and my ideas. I don’t know if I used it incorrectly. I want to be able to call the files in the CI/CD catalog in other repositories. What should I do?
I found that I can only run template.yml like a script, which seems meaningless. Include-remoe has already implemented it. any ideas?
I have carefully read it CI/CD components | GitLab

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Thanks for your feedback, I have shared it with our team working on CI/CD components.

With the CI/CD Catalog Beta coming up in 16.7, we have refactored and restructured the documentation into one documentation page. CI/CD components | GitLab provides the latest documentation.

Use a component describes how to include a component.


  - component: URL-path/component-template@version 
      custom_version: 1.72.0

One of the advantages over raw CI/CD template paths is that you can include a tagged release, and ensure nothing breaks when the CI/CD component gets updated again – and test changes in your consumer projects beforehand.

Component description and README

A component’s will be rendered in the CI/CD catalog index view. You can follow the structure of

  1. Introduction and what the component is for
  2. Usage guide, including inputs
  3. Tests
  4. Resources

An example is in Developer Evangelism and Technical Marketing at GitLab / use-cases / CICD Components Catalog / Components (Templates) / Component - Rust Basic · GitLab with more GitLab-maintained CI/CD components migrated at the moment in Migrate GitLab-Maintained Template to Components (#432540) · Issues · / GitLab · GitLab

We are working on improving the best practices for the documentation in Docs: best practices for components project README (#430816) · Issues · / GitLab · GitLab

Component Types and Inputs

I found that I can only run template.yml like a script, which seems meaningless. Include-remoe has already implemented it. any ideas?

Components support inputs, which allow more dynamic and reusable CI/CD workflows. For example, you can create a Rust compile job, and depending on the inputs, you can specify a different stage, image version, and even job name. Inputs allow to generate dynamic job names.

templates are a component type, and are the first iteration. There will be more types in the future, you can follow the main epic CI/CD Components & Catalog (&7462) · Epics · · GitLab and related sub epics.


I gave a lightning talk at the GitLab booth at KubeCon NA 2023. The most recent slide deck iteration is in Efficient DevSecOps workflows with reusable CI/CD components - DevRel maintained FY25 - Google Slides Hope it helps with more story telling.

More Resources