[Community Ed.; docker install] Is it possible to install gitlab + TLS/SSL without a domain?

Hello, community.

I am following the docs in order to install a local containerised GitLab server for my small team. Have the Gitlab web front-end and back-end already working but when I am going to configure runners I realise that I should configure TLS for GitLab.

Since it’s a local environment, I only use IP addresses and no domain names, so I can’t use EEF certbot for getting my certificates.

I need to know if is it possible to run a GitLab facility including CI/CD features using an IP address based server instead of a domain one.

Besides, I would like to know the best way to mount my own CA environment in order to provide myself with key, server certificates and cert signing capabilities.


I need to know if is it possible to run a GitLab facility including CI/CD features using an IP address based server instead of a domain one.

Yes, just use http://<your_ip> when registering a runner.

For custom CA or self-signed you can read here Self-signed certificates or custom Certification Authorities | GitLab