Conditional variables in pipeline

Problem to solve

I’m trying to create a pipeline which will:

Log into ECR, and pull a list of docker tags and then
Allow me to select a tag from above and run a script using the tags

Step 1 in my pipeline logs in and gets all of the tags and writes them to a file
I can’t figure out how to use that file as an options input to the next stage of the pipeline.

My code currently looks like:

  - get_versions
  - retag

include: 'variables.yaml'

    - docker

  stage: get_versions
    - pwd
    - ls -la
    - bash ./  
    untracked: true

    - get_versions 
  stage: retag
    - ls -la
    - pwd
    - cat versions.yaml

variables.yaml contains a few ENV variables with options which allow me to select an ECR from a populated drop down. This is done outside the pipeline.

Is it possible to add an options variable to a 2nd or 3rd stage in a pipeline, or is this only possible at the initial stage of pipeline execution? It seems possible if you add:

when: manual

but that only lets you specify stuff by typing it in rather than selecting.

Alternatively, what would be ideal is if I could have 2 options in the initial step the first, the ECR repo, would cause the second, the tag to be populated (even if I had to do all the work up front and provide all the info in files rather than dynamically).


Please select whether options apply, and add the version information.

Hi, seems its just not user friendly, but you have to use when: manual and when waitung–select the job name, not run button