Could not authenticate you from Ldapmain because "Super: no superclass method `target type' for

we suddenly can not login our gitlab server. It was working fine. Getting this error message

Could not authenticate you from Ldapmain because “Super: no superclass method `target type’ for #<auditevent id: nil, author id: 45, type: nil, entity id: 45, entity type: “user”, details: {:with=>“ldapmain”, :target id=>45, :target type=>“user”, :target details=>“kazi hossain”, :author name=>“kazi hossain”}, updated at: nil, ip address: nil, author name: “kazi hossain”, target details: “kazi hossain”, entity path: nil, created at: “2024-09-13 17:21:20.255017741 +0000”> did you mean? target”.

I checked gitlab-rake gitlab:ldap:check

and here is the output

LDAP: … Server: ldapmain
LDAP authentication… Success

we are running gitlab-ce-17.3.2

can anyone help me please?



I rollbacked from 17.3.2 to 17.1.2 and it’s working fine again. I will wait until gitlab release stable version.

Thanks for your help.



Hi Patrick,

I am still getting same error message after upgrade from 17.2.8 to 17.3.0

Could not authenticate you from Ldapmain because “Super: no superclass method `target type’ for #<auditevent id: nil, author id: 45, type: nil, entity id: 45, entity type: “user”, details: {:with=>“ldapmain”, :target id=>45, :target type=>“user”, :target details=>“kazi hossain”, :author name=>“kazi hossain”}, updated at: nil, ip address: nil, author name: “kazi hossain”, target details: “kazi hossain”, entity path: nil, created at: “2024-09-26 21:51:08.602210593 +0000”> did you mean? target”.

I have checked ldap config- no issue. Restart and reboot server, but same issue. Can you please help me?

I have attached the production.log file.



(Attachment production.log is missing)

We had the same issue. In our case, there were two missing collumns in our postgres database. Log into your server and run the following commands:

\d audit_events

This will show you all collums from the audit_events table. If there are no “target_type” or “target_id” columns, you can add them with the following command (in the PostgreSQL CLI)

ALTER TABLE audit_events
ADD COLUMN target_type TEXT,

This is a dirty fix. Make sure to backup / snapshot the server before.

Thank you. It worked.

Thank you very much.
