Decompressed archive size validation failed. during manually import

Problem to solve

Hi everyone,
try to import manually a big project (16Go) with the command "gitlab-rake “gitlab:import_export”
but I have an error message “Decompressed archive size validation failed”.

Steps to reproduce

I try to import manually a big project (16Go) from an other instance of gitlab in server “A”.
I’ve done an export from the UI. Then I transfered my file in server “B” to import it in my new instance of Gitlab.
I’ve launch this command:
gitlab-rake “gitlab:import_export:import[root, name_group, name_new_project, /tmp/2024-04-11_15-17-335_napeproject_export.tar.gz]”
ThenI have this error message : Decompressed archive size validation failed.


My instance is self managed and installed in debian 12.


my gitlab version is 15.0.5

Helpful resources

I’ve found on the net that in recent version there is setting “import/export” where we can manage a parameter " Maximum decompressed file size for archives from imports".
What have I to do ? upgrade my gitlab version ? or there is an other solution ?

Thanks in advance for your help