We are running Dependency Scanner using the Dependency-Scanning.gitlab-ci.yml on Gitlab EE 12.3.3-ee.
- template: Security/Dependency-Scanning.gitlab-ci.yml
I have also set CI_DEBUG_TRACE: “true”, but still getting a not too specific error message.
Can you help how to investigate this issue or is there a known solution?
The error
[INFO] Gemnasium Maven Plugin
[INFO] Project’s dependencies have been succesfully dumped into: /tmp/app/gemnasium-maven-plugin.json
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] Total time: 22.408 s
[INFO] Finished at: 2019-11-04T16:20:50Z
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
2019/11/04 16:20:50 yaml: line 6: did not find expected key
2019/11/04 16:20:51 Container exited with non zero status code