Deploy a Gitlab container using Ansible

Hi to everyone,

I am trying to use Ansible to deploy Gitlab and create my CI/CD stack. I am using the following Ansible script:

- name: Create gitlab directories
  file: path={{ item }} recurse=yes state=directory
    - "{{ gitlab_config_dir }}"
    - "{{ gitlab_logs_dir }}"
    - "{{ gitlab_data_dir }}"

- name: Install Gitlab
    name: gitlab
    image: "gitlab/gitlab-ce:{{ gitlab_version }}"
    state: started
    restart_policy: always
      - "{{ gitlab_http_port }}:50080"
      - "{{ gitlab_https_port }}:443"
      - "{{ gitlab_ssh_port }}:22"
      - "{{ gitlab_config_dir }}:/etc/gitlab"
      - "{{ gitlab_logs_dir }}:/var/log/gitlab"
      - "{{ gitlab_data_dir }}:/var/opt/gitlab"
         external_url ""
         gitlab_rails['gitlab_shell_ssh_port'] = 50022
         unicorn['socket'] = '/opt/gitlab/var/unicorn/gitlab.socket'
         gitlab_rails['lfs_enabled'] = true
         letsencrypt['enable'] = true 
         nginx['redirect_http_to_https'] = true
         registry_nginx['redirect_http_to_https'] = true
         registry_external_url "" 

With variables defined:
gitlab_version: latest
gitlab_config_dir: “/srv/gitlab/config”
gitlab_logs_dir: “/srv/gitlab/logs”
gitlab_data_dir: “/srv/gitlab/data”
gitlab_ssh_port: “50022”
gitlab_http_port: “50080”
gitlab_https_port: “50443”

The container gets created but stays forever at starting state and of course the url doesn’t work. Any ideas what might be wrong?
I am deploying this locally to my laptop using Vagrant for testing purposes. Could it be the case that hardware requirements are not satisfied and this is why the container never starts? The assigned memory is 2048 and 2 CPUs.

Thanks in advance!