Deprecation warning about parameter nowhere to be found


I have a Gitlab self-hosted instance, community version, installed with the Linux package (Omnibus version I guess ?) on a Rocky Linux, using dnf.

After upgrading from 16.9.1 to 16.10.0, I got this warning when performing the gitlab-ctl check-config command:

* omnibus_gitconfig has been deprecated since 16.10 and was removed in 17.0. `omnibus_gitconfig` will be removed in GitLab 17.0. For details and migration instructions, please see:

I checked the documentation (and the url in the warning, which does not talk about this parameter) and search for existing issues, and I found this issue explaining that any omnibus_gitconfig structure in the configuration should be changed to something like o gitaly['configuration'] = { git: { config: [] } } }

My issue is that I don’t have any omnibus_gitconfig parameter in my gitlab configuration (the one I defined in my /etc/gitlab/gitlab.rb.

When I use the gitlab-ctl check-config, there is indeed an (empty) parameter field that appear:

    "omnibus_gitconfig": {


but I have no idea where it comes from…
I found a lot of occurrences of the string omnibus_gitconfig in files in /opt/gitlab/embededd, but I guess I should not have to edit manually those files ?
Any help would be appreciated ! Did I miss a place to search for the parameter ?
Thanks in advance !

We all get this during upgrade and reconfigure. If that section is hashed out then you have nothing to worry about. Mine looks like this in /etc/gitlab/gitlab.rb:

# omnibus_gitconfig['system'] = {

If yours doesn’t have hashes in front of it, and the section is empty - eg not being used with specific configured parameters, then you can hash it and re-run reconfigure. Either way, you’ll still get that communication until you upgrade to 17.0 and then it will disappear.

You don’t manually edit anything under /opt/gitlab.

Ideally it would have been better for the upgrade process/reconfigure to see if omnibus_gitlab is enabled and in /etc/gitlab/gitlab.rb and if it is, to display the communication to let people know it will be removed in the future. Since mine is not enabled, it doesn’t make sense to show me, but at least I know about a feature being removed, so it’s not too much of a problem. I did check when I saw it, realised it was commented, so know I’m not using it, and just ignore it now.

Thanks a lot @iwalker for the answer ! I was afraid I had missed the parameter somewhere and it could prevent the future upgrade to 17.0. Now I feel better ! Have a great day !

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