Diff - gitlabhq - gitlab-ce

Hi everyone,

is there a difference between:

GitHub - gitlabhq/gitlabhq: GitLab CE Mirror | Please open new issues in our issue tracker on GitLab.com and GitLab.org / GitLab FOSS · GitLab ?

What does the hq means ?

I find two release notes on https://about.gitlab.com/blog/archives.html

  • Gitlab Version 2.2 Feb 22, 2012
  • Gitlabhq 2.1 released! Jan 22, 2012

Does a renaming take place ?


@mosmani no difference, it’s a mirror of our CE distribution. I think the hq means Head Quarters but not entirely sure about that one.

Thx! Can you find out if a renaming does take place ?
