I have got our gitlab installation integrated with our kubernetes cluster, and setup a test project using autodeploy. When the review stage came around, it all worked fine. However, I am now trying to move a real project to use this workflow, and on the exact same review stage, I see the error:
$ auto-deploy deploy
secret "review-feature-te-f5jdha-secret" deleted
secret/review-feature-te-f5jdha-secret replaced
Using helm values file '.gitlab/auto-deploy-values.yaml'
Deploying new stable release...
Error: UPGRADE FAILED: "review-feature-te-f5jdha" has no deployed releases
Error: "review-feature-te-f5jdha" has no deployed releases
I installed helm/tiller view the UI in gitlab, along with the ingress and prometheus - all of which seem to work fine on my demo project. I’ve seen other issues related to this, and people recommended using the helm cli tool, so I install that (after setting up the TLS stuff to connect to the tiller instance created by gitlab), I see none of my apps in the releases and no was of purging them. Is there something I am missing here?
$ helm ls --tiller-connection-timeout 30 --tls --tls-ca-cert tiller-ca.crt --tls-cert tiller.crt --tls-key tiller.key --all
certmanager 1 Wed Apr 22 11:08:10 2020 DEPLOYED cert-manager-v0.10.1 v0.10.1 gitlab-managed-apps
ingress 1 Wed Apr 22 10:04:56 2020 DEPLOYED nginx-ingress-1.29.7 0.28.0 gitlab-managed-apps
prometheus 1 Wed Apr 22 11:26:37 2020 DEPLOYED prometheus-9.5.2 2.13.1 gitlab-managed-apps
runner 1 Wed Apr 22 11:09:11 2020 DEPLOYED gitlab-runner-0.14.0 12.8.0 gitlab-managed-apps
I am running self-hosted GitLab12.9.4-ee (6a1a8e88568)
I don’t have a gitlab-ci.yml, but have disabled some of the stages using variables (the same stages skipped by the demo project I created)
Any help or advice would be great at this point