Fresh install of gitlab tries to redirect me to

the logs are clear:

==> /var/log/gitlab/gitlab-rails/production_json.log <==

I have no idea what to do, nowhere in the config is mentioned…

What did you configure in /etc/gitlab/gitlab.rb for the external_url? Sounds to me the problem is it hasn’t been configured properly. None of my installs have ever redirected to

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I configured the correct domain, in my case a subdomain.
But to be honest, I’m trying to get gitlab running behind apache & ispconfig, so the issue is probably connected to that part.
Somehow gitlab reads this ‘’ from the server, where it is set as dummy configuration by apache or ispconfig. But I couldn’t guess where, or where I can overwrite it…

Depending on the webserver it’s most likely the vhost configuration. You would need to check that, and figure out what the server name option has been set as well as the reverse proxy configuration which is forwarding from Apache to Gitlab.

This link should also help in relation to other config options you need to set for a reverse proxy behind apache setup: NGINX settings | GitLab