Getting a fatal error:server error when uploading to LFS

Hello, I am having some trouble getting some large-ish (around 30-50mb) .wav files uploaded to git-lfs

Here’s the log I’m getting when doing a push:

git -c diff.mnemonicprefix=false -c core.quotepath=false --no-optional-locks commit -q -F C:\Users\me\AppData\Local\Temp\nvq0n0gt.jnv

git -c diff.mnemonicprefix=false -c core.quotepath=false --no-optional-locks push -v --set-upstream origin newleveldesign2:newleveldesign2
Pushing to
Locking support detected on remote "origin". Consider enabling it with:
  $ git config lfs. true
Uploading LFS objects:   0% (0/4), 33 KB | 9.5 KB/s                             
Uploading LFS objects:   0% (0/4), 33 KB | 9.5 KB/s, done
Fatal error: Server error:
Fatal error: Server error:
Fatal error: Server error:
Fatal error: Server error:

error: failed to push some refs to ''
Completed with errors, see above.

I have had .wav files uploaded to the remote previously and haven’t had any issues before.

I tried GIT_TRACE=1 git push and here’s the log I got:

Currently running Gitlab CE 10.5.4

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If anyone else is having this issue: I fixed it by setting
git config lfs.contenttype false

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did you set this on the client side?

This problem is also persistent in a self-hosted instance of Gitlab, and our admin initially thought that it was due to lack of storage. But even after doing some artifacts cleanup and housekeeping which freed up >4GB, we are still unable to upload a file that’s >100MB in size into git lfs.

git config lfs.contenttype false

The fix mentioned above doesn’t solve the problem.

@knavero git configs are usually done on the developer side, not GitLab admin.