I’m getting error building image: GET https://harbor.xxxx.useast1.master.xxxxxx.com/v2/devops/jvmrunner-openjdk8/manifests/edge: UNAUTHORIZED: authentication required; [map[Action:pull Class: Name:devops/jvmrunner-openjdk8 Type:repository]]
Extra Details:
Gitalb - self hoster on EC2 Instance, version 13.11
Gitlab Runner- installed on EKS using Helm chart
This is the .gitlab-ci.yaml file
stage: build
# To push to a specific docker tag other than latest(the default), amend the --destination parameter, e.g. --destination $CI_REGISTRY_IMAGE:$CI_BUILD_REF_NAME
# See Predefined variables reference | GitLab for available variables
# We recommend using the CERN version of the Kaniko image: gitlab-registry.cern.ch/ci-tools/docker-image-builder
name: Google Cloud Platform
entrypoint: [""]
# Prepare Kaniko configuration file
- echo “{“auths”:{”$HARBOR_HOST":{“username”:"$HARBOR_USER",“password”:"$HARBOR_PASSWORD"}}}" > /kaniko/.docker/config.json
# Build and push the image from the Dockerfile at the root of the project.
- /kaniko/executor --context $CI_PROJECT_DIR --dockerfile $CI_PROJECT_DIR/service/Dockerfile.codebuild --no-push
# Print the full registry path of the pushed image
- echo “Image pushed successfully to ${IMAGE_DESTINATION}”