Gitlab and powershell 7 pwsh

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Problem to solve

I am trying to run a bunch of powershell scripts in my gitlab-ci.yml. We recently updated to use PWSH Powershell 7. My powershell script works fine when I run on the pwsh command line but complains when run through gitlab. Here is the code:

- Write-Output "-------------------------------"
    - |
      [xml]$prodVars = Get-Content ${PRODVARSFILE}
      $ele=$prodVars.CatapultVariableSet.Variable | Where-Object {$ -eq "TitleVersion" }
      $ele.EvaluatedDefinition = "${EXTERNAL_VER}"
      $ele.'#text' = "${EXTERNAL_VER}"
      $ele=$prodVars.CatapultVariableSet.Variable | Where-Object {$ -eq "Product Version" }
      $ele.EvaluatedDefinition = "${PRODVER}"
      $ele.'#text' = "${PRODVER}"

This is the error:

Line |
 368 |  $ele.'#text' = "${EXTERNAL_VER}"
     |  ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
     | The property '#text' cannot be found on this object. Verify that the property exists and can be set.

This works totally fine when run on a pwsh shell. I have checked the config.toml. We have set

executor = "shell"
shell = "pwsh"


Gitlab Version : 16.9(self hosted)
Runner version: 16.1.0

Is that code running in a Powershell script file, or embedded into the script section of a CI/CD job?

It is code embedded into the script , basically those are lines of code in gitlab-ci.yml.
Here is the xml I am trying to update if it helps. This worked totally fine on Powershell 5.0 and also works fine when I run it in the PS 7.0 shell, just doesn’t work when run through gitlab-ci.yml:

<?xml version="1.0" ?><CatapultVariableSet>
  <Variable Comment="Manually update for each project" Definition="Some text" EvaluatedDefinition="R2022x" Name="Product Version">R2024x</Variable>
  <Variable Comment="Manually update for each project" Definition="Some text" EvaluatedDefinition="ProductName" Name="Product Name (short)">ProductName</Variable>
  <Variable Comment="Manually update for each project" Definition="Some text" EvaluatedDefinition="CompanyName ProductName" Name="Product Name (full)">CompanyName ProductName</Variable>
  <Variable Comment="Cover page item. Manually update for each project." Definition="Some text" EvaluatedDefinition="R2022x Refresh 02" Name="TitleVersion">R2024x Refresh 01</Variable>
  <Variable Comment="Cover page item. Manually update for each project." Definition="Some text" EvaluatedDefinition="ProductName" Name="TitlePackageName">ProductName</Variable>
  <Variable Comment="Cover page item. Manually update for each project." Definition="Some text" Name="TitleDocType">User Guide</Variable>
  <Variable Comment="Collection Name, manually update for each project" EvaluatedDefinition="" Name="Collection"/>
  <Variable Comment="The installed product name to show on the copyright page." EvaluatedDefinition="ProductName" Name="Copyright Product Name">ProductName</Variable>

Thanks. I have not written Powershell in a long time, I don’t know about the specific version differences. :slight_smile:

For context on my question, I was curious if the variable resolution, and code interpretation would behave differently when inside GitLab runner shell, and script, or within a .ps1 script file.

If I understand the code correctly, the $ele object would be initialized from parsing the prodVars result set parsed from the XML file. Maybe it did not get initialized properly, and as such, .#text is missing as attribute?

Maybe add an echo/print statement after the first line, and inspect the object attributes.

$_ could be the problem, but not sure.

As a workaround, you could add the code into a .ps1 script file, and call that from the CI/CD job.