GitLab API - Group, Project, User Import/Export

Hello All,

I am trying out the GitLab API calls for the very first time to understand how the import/export process works for the groups, projects, users using the API and hopefully automate the process.

To that end, I was trying to figure out the correct API call to get the status of an export at the group level. It is not working. the API call to get the status of export seems to work only for the project level.

below is the syntax for the API calls i am using to get the status of an export at the group/project level.

group export status: NOT WORKING
curl --header “PRIVATE-TOKEN: exxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx_xxx” “

project export status:
curl --header “PRIVATE-TOKEN: exxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx_xxx” “

please advise. thank you.

Hi @akaiserk
There is no GET api/v4/groups/<id>/export endpoint. See docs.

I have found this issue which requests it.

Thank you @balonik