Gitlab cache key reference between branches

*Hey, I have a need to use a cache mechanism between different jobs for specific ETL processes. I have configured my own runners with a shared cache based on S3. I’m using

One of my main jobs (dbt_test) starts as scheduled on the main branch and puts objects in the cache under the “main” key, for example. The file on the S3 bucket is named: “main-protected”.

At moment when I want to refer to this cache key on another branch (e.g., during MR - job called dbt_dry_run), unfortunately, I get an error because typing the value: main in the key attribute, Gitlab looks for the file: main-unprotected which is not my intention.

Is it possible to somehow change this behavior so that it can refer to the value of the key in the cache created by the main branch?

Parf of my .gitlab-ci.yml:

  stage: stg_test
    - if: $CI_PIPELINE_SOURCE == "schedule" && $stg == "true"
  allow_failure: true
    - dbt
    key: "$CI_COMMIT_REF_SLUG-stg"
      - outputs/
    policy: push
    when: always
    - cp -a target/ outputs/
    - dbt test

  stage: mr
    - if: $CI_PIPELINE_SOURCE == "merge_request_event" && $CI_MERGE_REQUEST_TARGET_BRANCH_NAME == "main" && $CI_MERGE_REQUEST_LABELS == "test"
    key: "main-stg"
      - outputs/
    policy: pull
    when: always
    - dbt
    - ls outputs/

Hi @adamkiewicz

currently this is not possible as separation of protected and unprotected caches was implemented to avoid possibilities to poison protected cache or pull any confidential data from such cache.

You can follow this issue in the tracker.

Thank you for information!

@adamkiewicz I stumbled today upon an option called Use separate caches for protected branches in project’s Settings → CI/CD → General pipelines. This seems to be enabled by default.
Try to disable it, maybe it will help you.