Gitlab CI running multiple times and fails with no messages


I am attempting a very basic gitlab CI for deploying gitlab pages.

My .gitlab-ci.yml file looks like this

image: ruby:2.3

  JEKYLL_ENV: production

- bundle install

  stage: deploy
  - bundle exec jekyll build -d public
    - public
  - master

however when I make a commit to master it appears to run the job 3 times of which the first attempt always fail. I was only expecting the process to run once so not sure why it is running multiple times and additional I have no idea why its failing on the first run, in particular when I click on the jobs tab theres no traceback or messages to explain what has gone wrong other than that the status is “retired”.

Any support or ideas on how to diagnose this would be appreciated.

Same problem here ! Any explanation ? (The files are well deployed btw).

If you remove the only keyword with the master option does it trigger 3 times?

yes, like this:

But notice:

  • I opened a new thread here in the forum with more details
  • The pages are deployed with success (even if the pipeline gets a status “failed”)
  • like specified in the issue I reported, I found errors in sidekiq’s logs like: "error_message":"No such file or directory @ rb_sysopen - /srv/gitlab/gitlab-rails/shared/pages/myuser/testpages/config.json.d7ba3c65axxxxxx but I have no idea why GitLab tries that path - as they changed the storage method in v14 - and myuser doesn’t exist there.