or gitlab-ce for a project having multiple opensource and libre repositories

Hi, after reading that either gnome or debian (maybe others?) were using gitlab-ce i thought to do the same but I am still hesitant. One big point of is that we have all the features and do the OPs. Are there any project that have svetup their own instance as well? I would be interrested by their reason. What others would suggest also?

You only need to setup your own instance if that’s an internal requirement. Either for compliance reasons or you want to add additional restrictions like put a VPN in front of it or you want to have it in your own infrastructure.

By using you also get additional features “for free” like the shared CI workers. See inkscape project as and example:

If at anytime you decide you want to move to your own instance, it’s possible to export any project you have there and import back into your own instance, including issues, merge request, comments, etc.