I am trying to configure a Gitlab project to trigger a Jenkins job on merge request events. I set up the webhook on my project to call “http://gitlab-server/gitlab/build_now” on “Merge Request Events” per the Jenkins Gitlab Webhook Plugin (https://wiki.jenkins-ci.org/display/JENKINS/Gitlab+Hook+Plugin) documentation. When I run the “Test” on the webhook, it does trigger my Jenkins build. However, on actual merge request events the Jenkins build does not get triggered.
I took a look at the logs in Jenkins (/var/log/jenkins/jenkin.log) to see the POST requests coming from the Gitlab webhook. When I run the “Test”, it actually sends the request as a “Push Event” as follows:
INFO: gitlab web hook triggered for
- repo url: git@gitlab-server:gps-ocx-ifdc-ci/test_project.git
- branch: master
- with payload:
“object_kind”: “push”,
“event_name”: “push”,
“before”: “48d3523fe9bd54eac09a4a227bbf639c5c26f61e”,
“after”: “3e420436006160854e37a0cb726fcdcae6728a37”,
“ref”: “refs/heads/master”,
“checkout_sha”: “3e420436006160854e37a0cb726fcdcae6728a37”,
“message”: null,
“user_id”: 11,
When there is an actual merge request event, the request looks like:
Mar 17, 2017 4:28:36 PM org.jruby.javasupport.JavaMethod invokeDirectWithExceptionHandling
INFO: gitlab web hook triggered for
- with payload:
“id”: 1302,
“target_branch”: “master”,
“source_branch”: “develop”,
“source_project_id”: 583,
“author_id”: 11,
“assignee_id”: null,
“title”: “Develop”,
“created_at”: “2017-03-17 20:28:36 UTC”,
“updated_at”: “2017-03-17 20:28:36 UTC”,
“milestone_id”: null,
“state”: “opened”,
“merge_status”: “unchecked”,
“target_project_id”: 583,
“iid”: 5,
“description”: “”,
“position”: 0,
“locked_at”: null,
“updated_by_id”: null,
“merge_error”: null,
“merge_params”: {
“force_remove_source_branch”: null
“merge_when_build_succeeds”: false,
“merge_user_id”: null,
“merge_commit_sha”: null,
“deleted_at”: null,
“in_progress_merge_commit_sha”: null,
“lock_version”: null,
“time_estimate”: 0,
“source”: {
However, per the Gitlab documentation, I would expect the payload for the “Merge Request Event” to look much more similar to the “Push Event” request (https://docs.gitlab.com/ce/user/project/integrations/webhooks.html#merge-request-events).
Any idea as to why the POST for “Merge Request Event” would be so different? It appears as though the Jenkins Gitlab Webhook Plugin keys off of particular keys (object_kind and object_attributes namely) and so I believe this is why nothing is getting triggered.
The versions I am using are:
Gitlab CE 8.17.3
Jenkins 1.642.18.3 (CloudBees Jenkins Enterprise 15.11)
Jenkins Gitlab Plugin 1.4.2