After the release of version 17.0, omnibus_config
was removed, so the proxy can no longer be configured there. It needs to be configured where necessary. In my instance, I had to specify http_proxy
in lowercase and HTTP_PROXY
in uppercase, as well as the other proxy directives. This way, the git mirror repositories also work 100%.
# Environment settings for Gitaly
gitaly['env'] = {
'http_proxy' => "",
'https_proxy' => "",
'no_proxy' => ",,,",
'HTTP_PROXY' => "",
'HTTPS_PROXY' => "",
'NO_PROXY' => ",,,"
# Environment settings for Rails
gitlab_rails['env'] = {
'http_proxy' => "",
'https_proxy' => "",
'no_proxy' => ",,,",
'PLANTUML_ENCODING' => "deflate",
'HTTP_PROXY' => "",
'HTTPS_PROXY' => "",
'NO_PROXY' => ",,,"
# Environment settings for Workhorse
gitlab_workhorse['env'] = {
'http_proxy' => "",
'https_proxy' => "",
'no_proxy' => ",,,",
'HTTP_PROXY' => "",
'HTTPS_PROXY' => "",
'NO_PROXY' => ",,,"
# Proxy settings for Rails
gitlab_rails['http_proxy'] = ""
gitlab_rails['https_proxy'] = ""
gitlab_rails['HTTP_PROXY'] = ""
gitlab_rails['HTTPS_PROXY'] = ""
# Proxy settings for Shell
gitlab_shell['http_proxy'] = ""
gitlab_shell['https_proxy'] = ""
gitlab_shell['HTTP_PROXY'] = ""
gitlab_shell['HTTPS_PROXY'] = ""