Gitlab NX cloud stuck

The heartbeat process may have not started properly. This CIPE could have inconsistent status reporting.

I have run this gitlab ci/cd pipeline successfully before coming this error

> nx run web:test
 >  NX   Took longer than 3 seconds to hear from heartbeat process
   The heartbeat process may have not started properly. This CIPE could have inconsistent status reporting.
 >  NX   Nx Cloud: Workspace is disabled
   This Nx Cloud organization has been disabled due to exceeding the FREE plan.
   An organization admin can start a free PRO plan trial for up to two months with no billing required at

So how can solve this issue?

  • I am using free NX cloud. But this is disabled from code level. So I don’t need this NX cloud for save artifacts. I need only complete build

@Akila1996522 In our case adding “–skip-nx-cache” in nx build command was sufficient. Mind though that this will completely disable Nx Cloud functionality, but it should be fine for CI/CD build pipeline.