GitLab Page URL is showing 503 error after enabled access control


Self hosted GitLab Page URL is showing 503 error after enabled access control. When we changed visibility to “Everyone” it is loading but when it is changed to “Only Project Members” redirecting below page,

when we click on autherize button it is showing 503 as below,

Please see the gitlab.rb configuration file setting,

gitlab_pages[‘enable’] = true
gitlab_pages[‘access_control’] = true
pages_external_url “https://<domain name>/”
pages_nginx[‘listen_port’] = 5200
pages_nginx[‘listen_https’] = false
gitlab_pages[‘inplace_chroot’] = true

Please note that we are using docker version gitlab/gitlab-ce:12.6.4-ce.0 with traefik proxy.

Is this resolved?

I looked back and saw a presentation that support had put together to highlight the meaning of different 5xx errors.

Here’s a list from the presentation - :

 * 502 (Usually means Unicorn is not available)
  * Could be starting/restarting
  * Could be 100% saturated (unlikely)

* 503 (rarer, but possible from a load balancer)
  * Usually means “all” of GitLab is down, or your load balancer/GitLab is misconfigured

* 500 (production.log)
  * This is a logic error in the application, and should be logged clearly.
  * Provide the full trace from the logs to support for faster debugging.

Hi Khair,
GitLab URL is loading fine and GitLab Page URL also loading fine when we use visibility to “Everyone” but when it is changed to “Only Project Members” redirecting to the authentication page as I pasted above post when we click on “Authorize” button it is showing 503.

Hmm. I searched & found this issue:

If this is accurate then please add a comment on the issue.

Currently, it is not scheduled as noted by the “backlog” designation.