I have a 15.0 version of GitLab integrated with LDAP. But in configuration (gitlab.rb) I only show almost everyone integrating only one domain OU. We also added one domain OU in conf file but now wanna add another.
How can I add multiple domain OU using base: parameter in gitlab.rb ?
I tried below but it doesn’t work.
- 'OU=IT Users1,OU=IT Enviroment,DC=gunebakanadem,DC=com ’
- 'OU=IT Users2,OU=IT Enviroment,DC=gunebakanadem,DC=com ’
Are you guys only add one ou ? How can we add multiple ou in the same domain using base: parameter ?
base: 'OU=IT Users1,OU=IT Enviroment,DC=gunebakanadem,DC=com ’