Gitlab.rb conf


I have a 15.0 version of GitLab integrated with LDAP. But in configuration (gitlab.rb) I only show almost everyone integrating only one domain OU. We also added one domain OU in conf file but now wanna add another.

How can I add multiple domain OU using base: parameter in gitlab.rb ?
I tried below but it doesn’t work.

  • 'OU=IT Users1,OU=IT Enviroment,DC=gunebakanadem,DC=com ’
  • 'OU=IT Users2,OU=IT Enviroment,DC=gunebakanadem,DC=com ’
    Are you guys only add one ou ? How can we add multiple ou in the same domain using base: parameter ?
    base: 'OU=IT Users1,OU=IT Enviroment,DC=gunebakanadem,DC=com ’


You can add only single OU in base parameter.

Okey, then how can I add secondary OU ?

You can’t. base supports only single OU or DC. This is corresponding to the LDAP RFC definition and you won’t find an application, library or tool that would support multiple OU in base.

If you need users from multiple OUs set base: 'OU=IT Enviroment,DC=gunebakanadem,DC=com' and add a search filter to user_filter field.