I have exactly the same issue.
On my side i have GitLab CE 13.12 hosted on Ubuntu Server 16.04.7 TLS.
The CI/CD pipelines was working before the 29/09/2021 (end of the DST Root CA X3 certificate).
I try different solutions to fix the error message, but all of this operations doesn’t work :
restarting the Ubuntu Server
reconfigure and restart GitLab service
checking SSL configuration in gitlab.rb OK (correct path .key and .pem/crt, and there is no fresh change)
using sudo update-ca-certificates to update certificates system
updating all the system and with OpenSSL fixes (version 1.0.2g)
trying to editing ca-certificates.crt
trying to change and disable certificate in ca-certificates.conf(with !mozilla/DST…)
trying to add ISRG_Root_X1.crt in /etc/gitlab/trusted-certs/ (regarding the documentation to trust root certificate)
trying to trust the gitlab certificate in the system /usr/local/share/ca-certificates/ + update-ca-certificates : 1 added (completing the last action)
trying to edit manually blocks in gitlab.customdomain.com.crt with the ISRG_Root_X1.crt
check broken package to update : 0
check systemctl failed process : 0
ufw rules : OK
The gitlab UI for browser is working correctly with HTTPS, and SSH, (curl OK and wget OK)
There only issue with GIT commands from random clients connecting on the GitLab URL
Ya I fixed it… Its not the problem with the gitlab lab CA certificates.
Its the image which you are using in your gitlab CI/CD pipelines.
Just build the new image with updated certs. sudo apt-get install --yes software-properties-common will update all the files as well as certificates.
if you just want to update the certificates sudo update-ca-certificates
Im too having the same problem. The CI worked a week ago, but now (maybe because of updating to 15.7.2?) I have the same error as everyone. update-ca-certificates doesn’t help:(
Had the same issue within an ubuntu:latest container where I installed git to end up in a similar server certificate verification failed. CAfile: none CRLfile: none error while trying to git pull.
I simply had to add the ca-certificates package to solve the issue.