Gitlab-runner with xcodebuild, failed to authorize rights

Hi folks,

I’m trying to setup gitlab-ci for our iOS project, using these:

I’ve come a long way I think, managed to register the runner and even get compile errors on the
gitlab-ci build page. But when I fixed the compile errors, when the runner was supposed to run our unit tests, I got this:

Failed to authorize rights (0x1) with status: -60005.

This is the .gitlab-ci.yml I’m using, pretty much the default:

  - build

  stage: build
    - xcodebuild clean -project ProjectName.xcodeproj -scheme SchemeName
    - xcodebuild test -project ProjectName.xcodeproj -scheme SchemeName -destination 'platform=iOS Simulator,name=iPhone 6s,OS=9.3' 
    - ios_9-3
    - xcode_7-2
    - osx_10-11

Xcode v.7.3.1 (7D1014)

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This looks like spam to me.

Deleted, thanks!