GL Runner: Best way to Deploy Artifacts on Host System

GitLab Runner: Best way to deploy to host system

im currently hosting GitLab-EE and my the project-specific Runner on a Virtual Machine.
I’m using GitLab to Develop and Publish Projects using the above mentioned Runner.


My current project involves storybook
I’m running npm run build-storybook to create a static version of the storybook page. storybook-static. I’m serving this folder using NGINX (also acts as reverse proxy for gitlab).

GitLab Runner is setup with docker executor.

Every Project has it’s own Runner on it’s own VM ! (I’m not the only one who uses the instance)

Main Question

Now the main question: GitLab Runner is installed on the same machine as the webserver. How can i easily copy artifacts, created by the Runner to the webroot? (var/www/...)

Current Pipeline: Test -> Coverage -> Build -> Deploy.
Can i access the Filesystem directly from the CI/CD Pipeline? or do i have to copy it using scp or tftp or some other tool ?
As far as i understand, i cannot access the filesystem directly, because everything is built inside a docker container. Right ?


	 - test
	 - coverage
	 - build
	 - deploy
Component Tests:
	image: node:latest
	stage: test
	when: manual
		- npm ci
		- npm run prettier
		- npm run test-components
	allow_failure: false
		- main
 		- production
		- */production-deployment
		- merge_requests
Code Coverage:
	image: node:latest
	stage: coverage
		- npm ci
		- npm run prettier
		- npm run coverage
	coverage: /All files[^|]*\|[^|]*\s+([\d\.]+)/
			junit: junit.xml
		- production
		- merge_requests
Build Storybook Production:
	image: node:latest
	stage: build
		- Component Tests
		- Code Coverage
		- npm ci
		- npm run prettier
		- npm run build-storybook
			 - storybook-static
	expire_in: 30min
		- main
 		- production
		- */production-deployment
		- merge_requests
Deploy Production:
	stage: deploy
	image: ubuntu:20.04
		- Component Tests
		- Build Storybook Production
		- apt-get -y update
		- apt-get -y upgrade
		- apt-get install -y sshpass 
		- rm -f ~/.ssh/known_hosts
		- sshpass -p "$CI_DEPLOYMENT_PASSWORD" scp -rv ./storybook-static/* deployment@<removed>:/var/www/<removed>-storybook
		- production
		- */production-deployment

Anyone know a good way to do that?

Hi @AcrimEx

In my opinion the proper way is to publish your artifacts to GitLab Repository. With proper versioning and all. So you can rollback to previous version if required.
Have a deploy step similar to the one you have, but instead of scp execute commands to download the desired version using curl or wget to the location you need. There is also a trick how to avoid quotes issues and such where you encapsulate your commands using Base64

    - MYCOMMANDS="curl -and -some -parameters https://gitlab/path/to/artifact; unzip; mv this there;"
    - B64COMMAND=$(echo "$MYCOMMANDS" | base64 | sed ':a;N;$!ba;s/\n//g')
    - ssh "${SERVER_IP}" "echo ${B64COMMAND} | base64 -d | bash"

This way you need to have a “deploy” user on the webserver with permissions to var/www/...

The dirty way:

You could use the volume option in Docker Executor and bind var/www/... from host to each job running on the machine. This way every job gets access to host’s local filesystem on a path you specify. You need to make sure the local filesystem permissions are right or even need to use the privileged = true option depending on your setup.