I’m trying to create api request for getting all (e.g. first hundred) issues that has been successfully “merged” to master and their pipeline ID.
longer version:
So from REST point of view this is getting all closed issues, and then for each issue (which is horrendous) you need to " List merge requests that will close issue on merge" (this is only one MR) then get merge_commit_sha → ask for pipeline for this commit on master ref → get the number (100 times).
From GraphQL I can list all issues that are closed but I don’t know how to get to the " List merge requests that will close issue on merge" so I could continue in one query. Only thing I’ve found is ‘reference’ which seems to be the issue string (!number) but it is not guaranteed to be?
Does anybody have better idea? Since GraphQL should replace REST am I doing something wrong or is this yet another part of gitlab that is not done yet?