How change port of gitlab?

Hi there,

I spend almost 4 days to figure out without success.

On my web server Apache is listening on port 80 and forbidden access to http://localhost because document root is set to /var/html

So I want gitlab on port 8080.

So I changed external url in /etc/gitlab/gitlab.rb
like this :
external_url 'http://myIPadress:8080'

Nginx is now listening on that port according to lsof command
lsof -i tcp:8080 nginx 29688 root 7u IPv4 3878813 0t0 TCP *:webcache (LISTEN) nginx 29689 gitlab-www 7u IPv4 3878813 0t0 TCP *:webcache (LISTEN) nginx 29690 gitlab-www 7u IPv4 3878813 0t0 TCP *:webcache (LISTEN)
But I get ERR_CONNECTION_TIMED_OUT when accessing to http://myIPadress:8080

How the heck I can achieve that? I need to keep apache running on port 80

Thanks for those who’ll answer