How Gitlab runners work with docker images?

How Gitlab runners work with docker image ?

I don’t undestand how gitlab runner use docker images indicate in the .gitlab-ci.yml.

# ..gitlab-ci.yml
  - test

  stage: test
  image: my_repo/my_custom_image:latest
    - ls -al
    - pwd

In the example above, I think, the runner will do something like this :

  1. docker pull my_repo/my_custom_image:latest
  2. docker run my_repo/my_custom_image:latest
  3. docker exec -it ID_CONTAINER /bin/sh

But with ls -al I find that I was inside my git repository and not in a running container of my custom image.

Here is all the logs of the runner from the stage until the command ls -al was executed :

[1]Running with gitlab-runner 14.1.0 (8925d9a0)
[2]( on Definisher-API -epn6d2A
[3]( the "docker" executor00:03
[4]( Docker executor with image waphub/definisher-api:latest ...
[5]( docker image waphub/definisher-api:latest ...
[6]( docker image sha256:d8abbf6290bfcc29d08ff84e9c96b044d05cfba80f50d858413a53be7d15bd28 for waphub/definisher-api:latest with digest waphub/definisher-api@sha256:0622f166086bfcd99f652a3f41c07746ef1b438cbe2b218ce06aa3197837e9e1 ...
[8]( environment00:00
[9]( on runner--epn6d2a-project-28316369-concurrent-0 via b619526b5edc...
[11]( source from Git repository00:02
[12]( changes with git depth set to 50...
[13]( existing Git repository in /builds/
[14]( out 09ac8e0b as developement...
[15]( Git submodules setup
[17]( "step_script" stage of the job script00:02
[18]( docker image sha256:d8abbf6290bfcc29d08ff84e9c96b044d05cfba80f50d858413a53be7d15bd28 for waphub/definisher-api:latest with digest waphub/definisher-api@sha256:0622f166086bfcd99f652a3f41c07746ef1b438cbe2b218ce06aa3197837e9e1 ...

Why the image since to be use twice ? What does it mean when the runner use a docker image ?

I have found in the documentation but I didn’t find answers.
Thank you very much for your help !

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Depending on your default Git strategy, the repo this .gitlab-ci.yml file lives in, would be cloned and the commit for which the pipeline is triggered checked out. That’s why it looks like you’re in your git repository.

Judging by the logs you provided, this is indeed happening in a container spawned from the image you’ve specified - waphub/definisher-api:latest