How to enable Gitlab metrics?

How can I configure gitlab in order to produce metrics in influxdb and querying using grafana or prometheus?

I’m using Gitlab 9.0.5, that already have prometheus.

I was able to enter to prometheus UI but all the metrics are related with kubernetes containers and machine, not gitlab specific.

I found this grafana graphs / grafana-dashboards · GitLab and I want something similar because Im having performance issues and I want to monitoring whats happen. It looks like these dashboards works with the information provide by influxdb. I try configure gitlab following this doc, but nothing happen

I tried Gitlab-Monitor dashboard for Grafana | Grafana Labs with prometheus but even that I see some values showed in Grafana…these ones almost didn’t change. Any Idea how to active the old ones with influxdb or make the prometheus more powerfull ? it means check the connection pools, the latency in http responses,etc…
