How to install GitLab on Windows

@cpama this might work, haven’t tested it. There are many components relying on Linux tech.

If you’re evaluating this why not spin up a VM and install GitLab there? Less hassle and you get the native experience.

Sorry my asking, but I wonder if the docker image would work on Windows?

Otherwise I guess the easiest thing would be to just install the latest ubuntu lts on virtualbox, and gitlab on it, right?

Hi there!
@opensas this kind of works (just tested if GL gets up, not how functional is it).
But there is a catch: you can’t mount windows dir to data dir of GL, this means each restart if a container you loose your data :-(. I tryed cifs volumes mounting ( and other tricks, nothing worked for me so far because as Chef wants to make sure that directories have proper ownership (like .ssh dir for example cifs returns UNKNOWN:UNKNOWN.

Mounting with specified uid/gid did not help either. I also tried setting git uid/gid ( or manage_storage_directories[‘enable’] = false with GITLAB_OMNIBUS_CONFIG variable but to no avail.

I’m a bit out of ideas at the moment, have to feed some goats, maybe something will come to me.

Hi guys,

I am rather new to gitLab. The main purpose of the repo is to use basic version control. No continues integration is needed.

Currently, I am trying to install gitlab in Windows 7 Enterprise using the gitLab runner for win64. I have followed the instructions in this tutorial > but when trying to get the CI url I can’t find the CI/CD options in my project settings in the web interface.

There is also this documentation page > that points towards the same option in the gitLab instance (Go to Settings > CI/CD to obtain the token), but somehow it is not available in my project.

Update: This seem to be obvious to people familiar to gitLab but it is not that clear that FIRST you need to:

  1. Go to Project > General Setting > Visibility, project features, permissions
  2. Enable Pipelines (Build, test, and deploy your changes)

With this you will see the CI/CD option in project > Settings and continue with the runner registration.

Seriously - why?

If you’re constrained to using windows, it really isn’t too difficult with choco assuming you have admin rights on the machine.

choco install docker-desktop
You will have to restart, then open Docker Desktop (which may require another restart to enable Hyper-V). Once you are back and Docker is finished starting up, you can run the suggested docker command to install and run gitlab
docker run --detach --hostname --publish 443:443 --publish 80:80 --publish 22:22 --name gitlab --restart always --volume /srv/gitlab/config:/etc/gitlab --volume /srv/gitlab/logs:/var/log/gitlab --volume /srv/gitlab/data:/var/opt/gitlab gitlab/gitlab-ce:latest

It does take a while afterward to get it started you can check logs to see if its finished but it will work. You may also need to open port 80/22 in your firewall for your new gitlab instance to be accessible.

Docker on Windows 10 Will work with Gitlab

Install with Docker Gitlab Docs Link:
Then all you need to do is install docker:

@lucaslah What version of docker-desktop, and GitLab did you try? It does not seem to work for me.

I should caveat that… I should say, it will run if I don’t give any volume options, but once I set the 3 volumes options, I get permission errors and will not launch.