I have a gitlab CI/CD pipeline which has a couple manual jobs that I want to run only on specific conditions
The jobs should only appear in the pipeline if the pipeline running is a tag, AND if there have been changes to a specific folder that we’ll call tests.
I’m omitting other jobs here that are not relevant to my question.
With this configuration, if I have a tag but no changes in the tests folder, the test job still appears, and because I have it set as not allowed to fail, the pipeline gets stuck. So I have to comment out the allow_failure: false line if I want it to work. It seems to me that only makes the job appear if the pipeline is a tag OR if there’s been changes to the tests folder, and I’d like it to make the job appear if the pipeline is a tag AND if there’s been changes to the tests folder.
I see in the documentation that only is not developed anymore, and that it’s encouraged to use rules instead, but I’ve searched in the documentation and couldn’t find a way to make a job only appear in the pipeline if it’s a tag. The only things tag related I could find was to create a tag, but I create my tags manually.
How could I get the behaviour I want, with only or with rules ? Is it even possible with current gitlab or will I have to keep my manual jobs as allowed to fail, and skip them ?
Hi @araly welcome to the forum. I think you want something like this:
when: never
- when: always
- build
- test
- deploy
stage: build
image and stuff...
stage: test
- if: '$CI_COMMIT_TAG'
- tests/*
when: manual
- when: never
- echo "test"
stage: deploy
- test
- if: '$CI_COMMIT_TAG'
- tests/*
when: on_success
- when: never
- echo "deploy"
That workflow key at the top prevents you having two pipelines for every merge request.
I’m not sure whether you wanted the test job to run manually when tests/* has changed and a tag has been pushed. If you want that to happen automatically, but the job to run manually otherwise, you want:
This note in an old issue explains that because tag jobs don’t have any context around which commits should be considered as related to the tag, GitLab assumes that any changes clause evaluates to true.
Well, it’s not possible in the way you’re trying to do it
Another option would be to have a job that runs on tag pipelines only, and runs a script to iterate through the commits between “this” tag and the last one, and looks for changes in the relevant directories.
It’s clearly a lot more work to do this yourself, but it does give you some flexibility over your workflow.
A tag is just a reference to a specific commit, there’s no need for there to be a branch that has the same name as a branch. If that’s your workflow, then it might make writing a script to deal with this a little easier.