Https push/pull/clone throws error "You appear to have cloned an empty repository"

Hi Team,

Thanks for CE Forum. We are using “GitLab Community Edition 8.7.0-rc4” and configured in Ubuntu 14.04 LTS with Apache web server,LDAP integrated. When we try to do https way push/pull/clone, we get an error called as “Cloned empty repositary” and same is working fine on “SSH” way. what is the solution please ? we are struggling for the past one month,

Error details:

test@ubuntu14:~/git-https-Test$ git clone https://bbb…com/test/Test.git
Cloning into ‘Test’…
Username for ‘https://bbb…com’: test
Password for ‘https://test@bbb…com’:
warning: You appear to have cloned an empty repository.
Checking connectivity… done
